ブーレーズ:12ノタシオン(1945)以前の超初期のレアな作品Prelude, Toccata, Scherzo(1944)を聴くことができます!!初視聴!!🙋✨ さて、どうでしょう?!どう感じる??…😮
Thank-you for giving me this invaluable information, Piet-jan van Rossum.I finally got this CD that includes rare works in Boulez's very early year.Mr. Ralph van Raat is a fantastic Dutch pianist who had given the first performance of Piano Concerto by Piet-jan. I praise the great accomplishment of this pianist.
ブーレーズがブーレーズになるまでの軌跡、しかもそれはたった1年で起こる!!Boulezのあり得ない20歳前後光速進化、彼の...衝撃音の正体は、やっぱり超人的吸収力エネルギーだっことを再確認。それを教えてくれるCD。 ブーレーズの作品を聴いて、ブーレーズ以外の作曲家、特にここではJolivetのエッセンスが想起されたのはこれがはじめて。…12ノタシオンの1945年から、私の知る、みんなの知る、Boulezに。私はそう感じた…✨
Listening these works in 1944, I thought
'' oh, it sounds like Jolivet's one!?'' . Although these works are great and very interesting , to be honest, these are not ones by Boulez yet, i felt.I found he had made super progress in a only few monthes at light speed!! Because ,as you know, he had become the one and only Boulez at the time of the 12 Notation and Piano sonata no.1 in 1945.There is extreme difference between these works in 1944 and 12Notation ,piano sonata no.1 in 1945. You can compare these works in 1944 with 12 Notation in this CD.
This CD will certainly brings listeners precious discovery. thanks!!